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Why I can not Get a Job?

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I know the boy, I know him very well, he was my best friend when I was a child. I vividly remember when he got his first "job". It was an internship working in a government office just down the road from her parent's ¢office building. His girlfriend got the same "job" and so they came to carpool at work after school. They were pleased, but it destitute my heart. Let me tell you where I came from. I grew up in an Asian country, the capital, the country with the regional office. I lived in Suburbia, it was a full-fledged state staff with few doctors and not sprayed in between. You see, the problem is that these people spend eight hours a day, five days a week, eleven and a half months a year sitting in a cubicle. They gave up their youth to get into a good college, and then straight out of college, they started working for the state to retire at the age of 50. They lived in that cubicle for the rest of their lives. Shortly after retirement, they die. 

So if I were sitting next to you it was then that you would ask me "What were they supposed to do? It's not like you can't have a job!" but that is your fault. It was then that I began to argue that Americans were taught from an early age to believe that this was the only way, but that was a myth. Here is the formula for 'work'. An employer is trading you for something valuable, money, something valuable, your time. But they do not give you almost all of your time.

Many people view their work as support, but the fact is that they support their work. Their rental work, goods, and salaries are paid to all their superiors. They do not do almost what they actually produce. But apart from the obvious economic downturn in employment, there is a significant moral decline in employment which is why I will never have it. "At work" you are not left to make your own decisions, the MANAGER is the one who decides when you will work, the MANAGER is the one who decides how you will dress, the GOVERNOR is the one who decides how you will spend your day with the BOSS. decides how much you will be paid!

If you look at what a manager is, and that's something I would never have! Because if your master, the employer I mean, is done with you and your dismissal. All the time you worked for nothing, leaving the system like the one you installed, empty. Left to find a new professional who can sell your time. But don't worry, I will not give up traditional recognition if I do not build a solution. Here's the thing, you can sell your time for money, the precious day of your life trading for a one-time payment, OR you can spend that precious day of your life building a plan that will generate value forever after that. In this case, the formula is different. The system you create provides something of value to the buyer with something of value he has, money. You are no longer trading your precious time to make money. A program can be a few things, be it a business, a web view, or a profit-generating creative work, it can be anything that continues to give value to others after you have invested your time in creating it. You spend the time you want to build on your system and complete it, to make you money 24/7, forever! From that day on your work for yourself, DECIDE when you will work, Decide how to dress, Decide how to run your day, and Decide how much you will make! But I'm not just talking, I'm already walking back to Suburbia.

It wasn't long before my friend got his first salary and I realized I should start making money too, but I wasn't ready to get a "job", so I started my own business. Pure Green Grass, not only was it the first environmentally friendly lawn mower service at Olympia Washington, it was the product that produced my system. At first, it was not a large system, and it did not produce any value when I was not working. I worked every weekend and every day after school I mowed the lawn, picked up the phone, made the measurements, and did not make the same amount of money my friend did sitting in her bathroom a few days a week. All my friends asked me why I didn't get a normal "job" like everyone else. But that did not last. It wasn't long before my plan grew. There were even trucks and equipment. It has one, two, and three employees. The system took care of itself, generating value in the form of grass care for customers financially with a little guidance from me.

That summer my friend was still working for the state, working provincial hours, wearing a government office uniform, being told what to do, and earning as much money as he had when he started that winter. It would not be fair to say that I was unemployed at the time, I was still earning once a month and filling out tax returns, but I did not do much. Especially what I was doing that summer was getting paid and enjoying life. I used to take beautiful girls on expensive days and for 50 close friends every day, it was so bad my friend in the province had to work instead. Then, at the end of the summer, he was fired. All the money he had made was gone and there was no more entry. At that moment I was left with a plan that I was selling for extra money and he did it for a whole year. So what comes to us is a choice that we all have to make. Choosing to spend the rest of your life dancing to your master fiddle, working for the rest of your salary. Or create something productive and live your life. Do what you want but I will never get a "job".




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