QUALIFICATION-Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute Age Limit-Not exceeding 30 years APLICATION METHOD-a). The applicant may visit NHAI website http://www.nhai.gov.in for applying Online. It may be accessed on Google Chrome or Mozila Firefox. b). Click on the tab About Us → Recruitment → Vacancies → Current → Click on the advertisement of Deputy Manager (Technical) → Online Application c). Fill up the form and furnish the requisite information d). Following documents are required to be uploaded: - 1. Photograph – Scanned copy of colour passport size photograph in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. 2. Signature – Scanned copy of signature in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. 3. Class –X Certificate indicating date of birth in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. 4. Caste Certificate in support of SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS (as per prescribed format attached) in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. 5. Provisional/Degree in support of passing Degree in Civil Engineering in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. In case of candidates appearing in the Final year Degree (Civil Engineering) exam this year, the proof of appearing in such exam may be uploaded. 6. GATE Score Card in only ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB. e). Click ‘Next’ button. f). Application Preview may be seen. g). Option of ‘Edit’ and final Submit button, are also available. h). If the Applicant is satisfied with the information furnished, click “Submit” button for submitting the application form through Online. The application form Online may be submitted by 28.05.2021 (6:00 PM). i). After submission of Application Form, a “Unique Reference Number” alongwith details entered by the Applicant with subject “Application Acknowledgement” will be generated automatically. j). Automatically generated “Application Acknowledgement” would be sent to the E-mail id provided by the Applicant. k). The applicant is required to keep a copy of “Application Acknowledgement” in safe custody for producing / submitting to NHAI alongwith supporting documents in respect of entries made by applicant with regard to his / her date of birth / educational qualification / SC/ST/OBC/EWS certificate (if applicable)/PwBD certificate/Other supporting documents (viz. experience certificate, NOC from the employer, etc.), if applicable. The applicant must ensure that the supporting documents uploaded with the online application are clearly legible and visible for reading.