Qualification Details: 1. Project Title: An Intelligent Urban Bus Transit Dispatch, Control and Surveillance System using Artificial Intelligence and User Perception(UBA) 2. Temporary Position(s): Software Developer - Analytics 3. Vacancies: 3 posts 4. Consolidated Compensation: Upto Rs.30000(depending upon qualification & experience) 5. Coordinator / PI [Dr. / Prof.]: Debapratim Pandit 6. Department/School/Centre: Architecture and Regional Planning 7. Qualifications: BE/B.Tech or equivalent 8. Relevant Experience a. Ability to develop analytical/ data mining/ machine learning models using Python and other tools b. Analyse, evaluate and document requirements towards building an algorithm (statistical/ data mining/ machine learning) based on requirements and specifications c. Able to deploy analytical algorithms within a larger application d. Ability to visualize data and results of data analysis & analytical models e. Ability to multi-task, solve problems and think strategically f. Experience with working on large data sets and developing scalable algorithms .9. Sponsor: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs(Urban Transport-IV Desk, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110108)