1. Name: Chief Electrical Engineer post at Kolkata. 2. Number of post: 01 3. 7th CPC pay scale level: Pay scale level – 14 (Rs 1,44,200- 2,18,200)- GP- Rs 10,000/- As per 7th CPC. 4. Service: IRSEE 5. Working Experience: SG/SAG IRSEE Officer with at least 05 years experience as In-Charge of any Rolling Stock Shed/Depot/Workshop/ Electrical Construction. 6. Tenure of Deputation period: 05 (five) years 7. Emoluments: Emoluments will be fixed on Parent Pay + Deputation Allowance/Perks as admissible as per rules. 8. Facilities attached with the post: Besides the emoluments, as admissible, the post, as mentioned in the Table above, carry the benefits as admissible as per HR rules of KMRCL Age: Maximum Age limit 55 (Fifty five) years as on 31/3/2021