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Job Description

Sub: Vacancy Notice for the post of Manager/Assistant Manager (Civil) at Kharagpur, Bhubaneshwar and Nagpur on Deputation basis. VACANCY NOTICE NO.90/2021 1. Name of the Post: Manager/Asstt. Manager (Civil) 2. No of Post: 03 3. Location : 01 Post — Kharagpur, 01 Post— Nagpur, 01 Post — Bhubaneshwar 4. Duration : 3 years extendable to 5 years (subject to exemption by DPE from the rule of immediate absorption) 5. Service : Civil Engineering Officers/Supervisors of Indian Railways 6. Term Of Appointment : Deputation7. Scale Of Pay : Parent pay plus deputation allowance (And all other Perks and Allowances applicable as per DFCCIL policy). 8. Specific Requirements : a) Manager-Group B officers of Central/State Govt. with at least 4 years of service in Group B (Gazetted) in relevant discipline or PSU employees working in analogous grade in relevant discipline or in Rs. 60000-180000 (IDA) (E3) with four years' service in that grade.b) Assistant Manager — Group B officers of Central/State Govt. in the relevant discipline or PSU employees working in analogous grade in relevant discipline or in Rs. 50000 — 60000 (IDA) (E2) with four years' service in that grade. 9. Job Description: a) Must have minimum five Years of working on broad Gauge Railway Infrastructure Project e.g. Construction of New Electrified Railway line(s), Electrified Railway Line doubling project under Railway Construction organisation. b) Preference shall be given to those Candidates who can establish through Certification their having worked during Survey, Finalisation of [Horizontal & Vertical] Alignment in the aforesaid Railway Infrastructure projects. Age: Not more than 55 years

Please visit DFCCIL RECRUITMENT's website www.dfccil.gov.in recruitment to get more information about application process and jobs in details.
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