We Offer Manpower Supply, Third Party Consultancy and HR Consultancy Service
0 years
12th pass
Salary (Rs.)
21700 - 69100 PM
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Job Description

Constables (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2021 1. Position: Constables (GD) 2. Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 (Rs 21700-69100) 3. Vacancies: 25271 4. Nationality/ Citizenship: Candidate must be a citizen of India. Vacancies are state/ UT wise hence a candidate must submit domicile/ PRC against his state/ UT. 5. Educational Qualifications (As on 01.08.2021): a. The candidates must have passed Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized Board/ University. b. Candidates who have not acquired the essential educational qualification as on the stipulated date will not be eligible and need not apply. c. As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10-06-2015 published in the Gazette of India all the degrees/ diplomas/ certificates awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government provided they have been approved by the Distance Education Bureau, University Grants Commission. Accordingly, unless such degrees are recognized for the relevant period when the candidates acquired the qualification, they will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification.Incentive to NCC Certificate Holders: The incentive to ‘NCC Certificate’ holders will be granted at the following scales: Age: 18-23 years as on 01.08.2021. Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02.08.1998 and later than 01.08.2003.

Please visit STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION RECRUITMENT's website www.hirelateral.com>ssc-recruitment to get more information about application process and jobs in details.
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