(Advt. No. C-6/2021) 1. Name of the Post: Site Supervisor/ Electrical 2. No of Post: 13 (Rajasthan- 04 post (UR-4) UP- 02 Posts (UR-2) Assam- 05 post (UR-4, OBC-1) West Bengal- 02 post (UR-2)) 3. Fixed consolidated Pay: Rs. 25,000/- per month. 4. Essential Qualification: Full time Diploma in Electrical Engineering with not less than 60% marks from recognized University/ Institute approved by AICTE/UGC. 5. Post Qualification Experience (As on 01.08.2021): Minimum one year experience in Electrical Construction works . .Age: Maximum Age as on 01.08.2021: 30 Years