ADVERTISEMENT NO.12/2021 1. Name of the Post: Assistant Professor (Manufacturing Engg./ Production Engg.) 2. No of Post: 01 3. Pay Scale: Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC, General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). 4. Essential Qualifications: First class Master’s degree in (Manufacturing Engg./ Production Engg.) 5. Duties: To conduct classes/labs, preparation of lab manuals/ learning resource material, maintenance of lab equipment, preparation of course Template, development of experimental set ups, conduct of hobby clubs/ co-curricular activities, visit to squadrons for clearing the doubts of cadets, handling term papers,counseling and guidance to cadets and act as course coordinator. Age: 35 - 40 Years 6. Desirable: (i) Teaching, Research, Industrial and/or professional experience in a reputed organization. (ii) Papers presented at conferences and/or in referred journals. 7. HQ: Integrated Headquarters Navy, Ministry of Defence (Navy).