This Authority proposes to appoint One Junior Research Fellow (JRF) is available in E&R Wing for the Study of Post Construction Assessment of Sardar Sarovar Dam at Narmada Control Authority, Indore (M.P.). The post of JRF is purely on contractual basis. The details of the posts are as given below. B.E. (Civil), M.Sc./M.Tech. in Environmental Science/Environ- mental Engineering/ Ecology & Environment/Hydrology/Bio- diversity, Wildlife Conservation and Management/Ecology & Environmental Sciences/Earth Science/Geoinformatics/Remote Sensing and GIS with speciali- zation in Forestry & Allied Subject with NET/GATE or equivalent with 3-4 years regular Bachelor's degree. Those with 3 years Bachelor's degree must have NET qualification or Ph.D. in relevant subject. The above vacancy is provisional and subject to change in future. Details regarding eligibility criteria, experience, duties attached to the post etc. can be seen at website of NCA namely Last date of receipt of applications is 45 days from the date of publication. Date of Publication - 07.11.2020.