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10 - 15   years
Post Graduate
Salary (Rs.)
144200 PM
Employment type
Last Date

Job Description

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens (and such other nationals as are declared eligible by Govt. of India) for recruitment to the following post. 1. Position: Principal in different State-aided Colleges (General Degree Colleges) in West Bengal (except the colleges granted minority status through the due process). 2. 2. 2.Qualifications and Experience: i) A Master's Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) by a recognized University/ Institution, along with relaxations applicable to specified categories, as explained in the Note 1 below. ii) A Ph.D. Degree. iii) Associate Professor/ Professor with a total service experience of at least fifteen (15) years of teaching/ research in Universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education, as clarified in Note 2. iv) A minimum of 10 research publications in peer reviewed or UGC - listed journals. Age Limit: Not below 40 (forty) years and not above 55 (fifty five) years on the 1st day of January, 2022.

Please visit WBCSC RECRUITMENT's website www.webcsc.org.in to get more information about application process and jobs in details.
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