1. Name of the Post : Non-Unionized Supervisors (S1 & S2 Grade) and Supervisory Trainees (S0 Grade) & various posts 2.No of Vacancies : 88 posts 3. Qualifications: 3 years Diploma in Civil/ Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical Engineering / Trainee (Geologist/ Petrologist): Graduation in Geology/ applied Geology with Geology/ Chemistry as major subject Trainee. / Bachelor’s Degree in Hindi or English with Hindi as one of the subjects + 03 years experience (OR) Master’s Degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject + 01 year experience. / Diploma in Engineering/ Graduate in Science with Chemistry as major subject + 03 years post qualification experience. / Matric with 12th class pass with Mining Mate Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS as per Metaliferrous Mines Regulations (MMR), 1961 + 03 years post qualification experience. / Diploma in Mines Survey/ Mining Engineering with Survey Certificate of Competency in Mining Survey + 03 years post qualification experience. / 03 years Diploma in Civil Engineering + 06 years post qualification experience. / Graduate or Post-Graduate in Commerce + 06 years post qualification experience. Age Limit: 26 years for Non-Unionized Supervisory Trainee. 33 years for Supervisors. 30 years for all other posts. Selection Process: The mode of selection for all the posts consists of the following steps: First Level Test: Written Test. Second Level Test: Skill Test, Trade Test, Computer Proficiency Test, and Psychometric Test.