1. post : Welfare Officer / Probation Officer / Prison Welfare Officer in Department of Women & Child Development & social welfare 2. no of post : 80 posts 3. Qualification : Master's Degree in Social Work (OR) Master's of Art (Sociology) (OR) Post Graduate Degree in Criminology from a recognized University/ Institute. Desirable: Pass in Hindi as a subject of Secondary level. Experience: Nil. For Desirable experience is 01 years practical experience in the field of Social Work in any Govt. Department/ Recognized voluntary Organization in a regular paid capacity. 4. Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years. Age relaxation as per rules.. 5. Selection Process: The DSSSB will conduct One Tier Examination i.e. Tier-I for the post of WO / PO / PWO 2023. The Examination Scheme for Tier-I (I Tier -Technical). The questions in the examination will be bilingual (Hindi & English) except for the Language papers which will be in the language concerned only.