1. Post Name : Faculty and Non-Faculty Posts 2. No of post : 03 posts 3. Qualification: Associate Professor (Medical Devices): Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and at least 8 years of teaching/research/industrial experience with published work of high quality and an established reputation of having made seminal contribution to knowledge in pharmaceutical and allied areas. Assistant Professor (Pharmaceutical Management): Ph.D. in Management and first class or equivalent grade in MBA (Pharm.) or MBA or M.Com with marketing as specialization with a very good academic records throughout and at least 5 years of teaching / research / industrial experience with published work of high quality. Store Keeper: B.Sc. with 03 (Three) years experience in maintaining stores. 4 . Age Limit: Maximum 50 Years. 5 . Selection Procedure: please refer to official notification.