No of Post - 02,Age - AS per notification, Educational Qualification - M.V.Sc. in Vetennary Sciences/ M.Sc. in Statistics & Mathematics. Additional Qualification - Ph.D. in Veterinary sciences and 2 years teaching experience/ Ph.D. in Statistics & Mathematics and 2 years teaching experience. Pay Structure - Rs,35000/- Rs.30000/- month, Associates (Ph.D.) & Part Time Teachers Rs.800/- per hour / class or up to a maximum Of Consolidated pay of Rs.35000/- (Ph.D.) & Rs.30000/- 30000(PG) per month. Other Information - No TA & Da will be paid for attending the interviews 2. The eligible candidates can directly attend the Walk-in-interviews as per the above schedule along with bio-data , all original certificates and Other relevant documents 3. The above posts are purely temporary 4. Two passport size photographs and two sets Of attested copies Of all relevant documents 5. The decision by the selection cornmittee is final and binding all aspects 6. No objection certificate, if employed. Application Procedure - All the eligible candidates are requested to attend Walk-in-interview on 24.2.2021 by 11.00 AM at O/o. Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Warangal for the recruitment of Teaching Associates / PartTime Teachers on temporary basis for the following courses during II semester 2021. For notification follow link -