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Junior Clerk /Junior Clerk cum Typist (Diploma)


0 years
12th pass
Salary (Rs.)
8880 PM
Employment type
Cuttack, Odisha
Last Date

Job Description

No of Post - 05, Age - The candidate shall not be less than 18 years of age and shall not be more than 32 years of age as on 12.02.2021 (Relaxation of age, wherever applicable shall be granted as per relevant Govt. Rules). Other Information - Copy of self-attested H.S.C. Examination Certificate or any equivalent certificate in support of date of birth. (b) Copy of Self-attested +2 Examination Certificate conducted by the Council Constituted under Section-3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982, or equivalent examination of recognized Council/ Board/University as the case may be. (c) Copy of self-attested certificate showing to have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application issued by a recognized Institute. (d) Copy of Self-attested mark sheet of the HSC Examination or equivalent examination (e) Copy of Self-attested Mark Sheet of the +2 Examination or any equivalent examination. (f) Treasury Challan in Original showing to have deposited a sum of Rs. 100/- (One hundred) only in the appropriate head. (g) Two self attested Passport size recent photographs (One is to be affixed in the application on the space provided). (h) Two Self-addressed envelopes affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/- (five) on each. (i) One declaration regarding marital status showing to have one spouse living, if married. (j) Copy of self attested Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate Authority in respect of Candidates belonging to Schedule Caste/ Schedule Tribes and SEBC categories. (k) Copy of self attested Medical Certificate showing the physical disability issued by the appropriate authority in respect of physically handicapped candidate only. (l) Two Character Certificates issued recently by Gazetted Officers/ Medical Practitioners/Sarpanch etc. Application Procedure - The application along with the required documents and self attested copies of certificates must reach the office of the Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Cuttack on or before 12.03.2021 either by Post or may be dropped in the box provided for the purpose on each working day. 2. Applications received in the office after the last date by any means shall not be taken into consideration. 3. N.B:- (i) The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the word “Application For The Post Of Junior Clerk/ Junior Clerk-cum-typist” at the top. (ii) Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the advertisement shall entail rejection of his/her application out-rightly. Application if found defective and/or incomplete in any respect and received after the last date, shall be summarily rejected. (iii) The District Legal Services Recruitment Committee reserves the right to short list the candidates, if required. For notification follow link - https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/sites/default/files/Long%20Advertisement%20Annexure-G.pdf

Please visit E-Courts's website https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/india/odisha/cuttack/recruit to get more information about application process and jobs in details.
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