No of Post - 01,Age Maximum - 65 years, Experience - Experience in electrical work in textile industry for minimum period of 10 years. Salary - A consolidated amount of Rs. 50,000/- per month. Work Responsibilities - To act as mentor for CSP in electrical work of erecting new textile machinery. b) Provide handholding support to the Project Manager/ Machine supplier/KVIC for execution of electrical work. c) Guide PMI staff/ industrial worker on modern technology in electrical processes and management practices. Provide training to handle them in right way. d) Regular monitoring of progress made in electrical work e) Guide to purchase all electrical/electronic items in CSP according to the requirement for Installation of new textile machinery. f) Preparation of RFP for electrical contractor. Educational Qualification - Minimum Bachelor degree in Electrical or Electronics Engineering. Apply Procedure - Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions have to apply through off line mode only by downloading application from official website and send Application as per annexure-I, by Registered post to below address- Project Manager Central Sliver Plant, Khadi and V.I. Commission Ichhawar Road Sehore (MP) Pin- 466001 2. Last Date to receive Application: Eligible candidates may send the Application up to 31 March, 2021. Application to be send by registered post only. No application will be entertained after the closing the last date of receipt of Application Form. For more information follow link -