No of Post - 01, Age - 40 Years, Relaxation will be given as per rule. Education Qualification & Experience - Master’s in Clinical Research OR Master’s in Applied science (MSc) with at least 3-5 years’ experience in clinical trial management (Site Initiation, coordinating, managing, and overseeing various aspects of clinical trials or end to end clinical trial management). Pay - Consolidated Rs.1,00,000/- p.m. Additional Qualification - Proficiency in Microsoft word, Excel, Power point presentations and use of statistical software packages (SPSS/R). Apply Procedure - Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may email their application, along with a resume, age proof, copy of mark sheets and certificates if any to; The candidates, who apply should invariably mention the Notification No., Date, email ID, Contact No. & Postal address, failing which the application will not be considered. 2. The last date for receipt of softcopy of the applications along with the relevant documents is 15.03.2021. 3. NIMH/PROJ/NIHR-UoY/PM/CTM/NOTIF/2020-21 08.03.2021. For more information follow link -