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Know model predicting the outcome of a job interview!

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    Career professionals, who have been offered a job interview, are curious about whether they might be offered a promotional role.

    The ability to predict the outcome of a job interview can help the candidate decide whether to attend the job interview or not or more importantly, it allows the applicant to consider what aspects of the job interview they need to improve in order to increase job placement with related skills, abilities, and confidence.

    The interviewer makes hiring decisions based on the concept - the job interview analysis process is designed to predict future job performance.

    Decision-making, however, is a dual system process. The rational part - the slow process of analysis and emotion - quick judgments based on consistent ideas and prejudices.

    Therefore, an employee applying for the same position, in the same organizations, who provides the same level of detailed answers in the same set of job interview questions may receive different points when interviewing two different hiring managers.

    There are two steps to the applicant's opinion process in the job interview;

     Ignorant bias

     Conversation Identity

     Employment interview bias.

    The applicant's initial opinion is created when the respondent is presented to the employer. What emerges is emotional - a gut feeling, in which unconscious superstitions and prejudices affect the thinking of the questioner.

    Many different triggers start unknowingly biased, some favor the applicant, and some create a negative impression. Studies have shown that the applicant's weight, race, age, religion, attractiveness or background can be used, unknowingly, to form the opinion of the interviewee.

    Similarities can increase the love between an employer and an applicant, increase the likelihood of job interview questions (the basis of a relationship), and the same liking, liking someone more because they love you, also builds a relationship.

    Being considered 'attractive' enhances the employer's perception of the applicant, to the point of increasing the degree of trust held by the applicant.

    And hearing that one applicant is a strong candidate, in an internal promotion interview, can make sense of the applicant's eligibility that created a 'halo effect'.

    The meeting is a strong bias. A study on religious bias found that the applicant who changed his name from 'Mohammed' to 'Mo' increased the number of interviews he received. Also, age, race, and gender are well documented to enhance or undermine each applicant's view of the advertised position they are applying for.

    An example of this is the way women who apply for masculine services are traditionally considered less qualified than male applicants.

    Subconscious power in job interviews:

    This first impression is not a cautious thought. The employer, in most cases, is not aware of the existing unconscious bias.

    The interviewer, for a woman applying for a job as a role model for a man, does not discriminate on the basis of gender. Instead, the ignorant bias affects, to a lesser extent, how the applicant earns points in every job interview. As many are selected for the difference of a few small points between the successful and second applicant, therefore, this combination of points can make a difference.

    Employers react differently:

    Some people have 'sum'; sexism, age discrimination, racism, and more. We classify these people as people who are aware and indifferent - if the applicant has something the employer does not like, it can be difficult to change his or her initial opinion about the applicant even when the evidence against his or her belief has been presented.

    Awareness and Care - is when unconscious bias becomes apparent (the interviewer realizes that he or she is in love and dislikes for the applicant which is not based on rational thinking). Knowing, asking questions can be challenging (or knowing may not be enough to correct the way they score points for the applicant). If, for example, an employee has made a negative impression on a candidate based on a candidate's appeal (the survey was completed where applications were submitted with a candidate image). they are less likely to get an interview), they can ask if the applicant's weight is important in the job in question? Or find some examples of successful fat work in the field.

    In some cases, encouragement does not affect the decision-making process of the interviewer. Ideas and prejudices are rooted in the experiences and beliefs and culture of one's upbringing. If, for example, an employer grew up in a home where both men and women were considered equal, and gender was not in question, it would be rare for an employer to have sex - Not Aware and Not Affected. (but inquirer may be affected by secondary discrimination)

    Formal job interview:

    A formal job interview is designed to use an analytical process to help create a 'fair' job interview process.

    In a formal job interview, each applicant is asked the same interview questions based on the principles of the job role advertised. Guidance is provided to each inquirer on how to score in each interview question based on the perceived level of applicant skills using the numerical grading system.

    It is among the first responses to the interview that applicants can help change employers' perceptions of them. If, for example, the applicant's dress code, body styles, and communication styles have made the impression of 'inappropriate' the applicant has a short window to skip this original idea.



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